[徵才] 台北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所_誠徵碩士級

看板 Bio-Job
作者 yoerhuang (雲蛋風青)
時間 2024-09-06 17:35:04
留言 0 ( 0推 0噓 0→ )
職缺名稱:學士或碩士級研究助理 徵才單位:台北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 工作地址:110台北市信義區吳興街250號後棟7F 工作內容:癌症相關之動物、細胞及分生實驗,以及癌症病人與動物模型為對象,探討癌 症的機轉及治療策略,具實驗研究經驗者尤佳 徵才條件:生物科學與醫學相關研究所畢業 薪資待遇:依台北醫學大學敘薪表,碩士第一年40500元/月,認列年資,有經驗者尤佳, 薪資可談,不限國籍 應備資料:履歷自傳 (含個人學經歷,具備技術及發表論文) , 最高學歷證書影本 聯絡方式:意者請將相關資料之電子檔 (檔名請註明:應徵研究助理),寄至 mhchien1976@gmail.com 簡銘賢教授收,符合資格者將以email通知面試 Job Posting: Master's Level Research Assistant at Taipei Medical University Institute of Clinical Medicine Job Title: Master's Level Research Assistant Department: Institute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei Medical University Work Location: 7F, Rear Building, No. 250, Wu Xing Street, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110, Taiwan Job Duties: Conduct animal, cellular, and molecular experiments related to cancer. Investigate cancer mechanisms and therapeutic strategies using cancer patients and animal models. Experience in experimental research is preferred. Qualifications: Graduate degree in biological sciences or a related medical field. Salary: According to the Taipei Medical University salary scale. NT$40,500/month for the first year for a master's degree holder. Years of experience will be considered. Nationality is not limited. Application Materials: Résumé (including personal academic background, technical skills, and publications), copy of the highest academic degree certificate. Contact Information: Please send your electronic application (file name: Application for Research Assistant) to Professor Ming-Hsien Chien at mhchien1976@gmail.com. Qualified candidates will be notified by email for an interview. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Bio-Job/M.1725615306.A.71F.html


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