[-Fx-] Firefox 127.0 Released

看板 Browsers
作者 rick (五漢廢言抄錢部屬)
時間 2024-06-11 22:05:50
留言 36 ( 14推 0噓 22→ )
官方版本128.0預計在 2024年07月09日(美國時間) 台灣時間07月09日~07月10日 更新 127.0 Release Note https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/127.0/releasenotes/ New︰ You can now set Firefox to automatically launch whenever you start or restart your Windows computer. Setting Firefox to auto-launch optimizes efficiency in our browser-centric digital routines, eliminating manual startup delays and facilitating immediate web access. (Learn more) https://is.gd/x7DSB7 We completed work to optimize and enable DNS prefetching for HTTPS documents via the rel="dns-prefetch" link hint. This standard allows web developers to specify domain names for important assets that should be resolved preemptively. It is now possible to close all duplicate tabs in a window with the Close duplicate tabs command available from the List all tabs widget in the tab bar or a tab context menu. Firefox will now automatically try to upgrade <img>, <audio>, and <video> elements from HTTP to HTTPS if they are embedded within an HTTPS page. If https://mzl.la/3yWltUV these so-called mixed content elements do not support HTTPS, they will no longer load. For added protection on MacOS and Windows, a device sign in (e.g. your operating system password, fingerprint, face or voice login if enabled) can be required when accessing and filling stored passwords in the Firefox Password Manager about:logins page. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/password-manager-remember-delete-edit-logins Fixed︰ Various security fixes. https://www.mozilla.org/security/advisories/mfsa2024-25/ Changed︰ To reduce user fingerprinting information and the risk of some website compatibility issues, the CPU architecture for 32-bit x86 Linux will now be reported as x86_64 in Firefox's User-Agent string and navigator.platform and navigator.oscpu Web APIs. Links and other focusable elements are now tab-navigable by default on macOS, instead of following macOS' "Keyboard navigation" setting. This is a more accessible default and matches the default in all other platforms. A checkbox in the settings page still allows users to restore the old behavior. The Screenshots feature in Firefox has gotten a big update! It now supports taking screenshots of file types like SVG, XML, and more as well as various about: pages within Firefox. We've also made the screenshot tool more accessible to everyone by implementing new keyboard shortcuts and adding theme compatibility and High Contrast Mode (HCM) support. And finally, performance for capturing large screenshots has been improved. Enterprisehttps://support.mozilla.org/kb/firefox-enterprise-127-release-notes Developerhttps://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/127 Web Platform︰ navigator.clipboard.read()/write() has been enabled (see documentation). A https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Clipboard_API paste context menu will appear for the user to confirm when attempting to read clipboard content that is not originated from a same-origin page. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1718114763.A.7BF.html


DavisX 那個..重開機幫你自動開Fx...這東西.. 06/11 22:40 1F
if4 06/11 23:05 2F
rick 終於做出來了 QQ(搞笑) 06/11 23:06 3F
mstar 06/12 08:05 4F
labbat 有時候需要32位元Linux跑過時的應用,不曉得會不會影響到 06/12 11:48 5F
leon19790602 我以為自動開是常駐在背景方便要使用時加速開啟的那 06/12 15:20 6F
leon19790602 種,結果原來是一開機就彈出來,只好關掉了 06/12 15:20 7F
ltytw 這個設計就像是那個win10/11半夜偷更新然後重開 06/12 17:42 8F
ltytw 重開之前會幫你儲存工作 重開之後幫你還原 類似這樣的 06/12 17:43 9F
ltytw 不過不太適用線上遊戲就是 06/12 17:43 10F
if4 請問有辦法更新不重開嗎?別的OS可以嗎? 06/13 02:19 11F
rick 好像沒看過有這種的 就算只更新不安裝 06/13 08:05 12F
xylophone135 更新後VSR好像有正常作用了 06/13 15:15 13F
leon19790602 RTX VSR 126.0時支援的,Release Notes有提到 06/13 17:15 14F
xylophone135 我126時VSR常常沒作用 127目前就都有作用 06/13 18:41 15F
wju1230 更新之後開youtube分頁變好慢 疑難排解模式也沒用... 06/13 22:53 16F
rick android 127.0 06/14 06:26 17F
MK47 還有人在用Google Search Sidebar嗎?有沒有替代品 我的壞掉 06/14 14:30 18F
MK47 一陣子了 06/14 14:30 19F
kuonyuu 我用這家的:https://github.com/jmlntw/google-search 06/14 15:19 20F
kuonyuu -sidebar 06/14 15:19 21F
MK47 感謝 可以用了 06/14 19:07 22F
nimula YT很慢的建議裝User-Agent Switcher 偽裝成chrome 06/14 20:02 23F
nimula 我是把四個YT會用的網址加到白名單,然後開白名單模式 06/14 20:03 24F
nimula 最後一個是 yt3.ggpht.com 06/14 20:03 25F
nimula 前面三個youtube.com, i.ytimg.com, googlevideo.com 06/14 20:04 26F
wju1230 youtube很慢後來有發現是cookie暴增成1.5GB 刪掉後就正常 06/14 20:34 27F
danny0838 大部分瀏覽器對單一網域的cookie容量上限一般只有4k左 06/16 14:05 28F
danny0838 右,說cookie暴增到1.5GB應該是弄錯了什麼吧? 06/16 14:05 29F
danny0838 更正一個cookie上限約4k,一個網域上限約200個cookie 06/16 14:10 30F
danny0838 總共也就大約800k 06/16 14:10 31F
Kuge 樓上哪來的資訊 EDGE GC FX查看管理資料隨便都一堆破4K 06/16 15:07 32F
danny0838 那大概不是只有cookie,也不只是單一網站 06/16 16:32 33F
MK47 截圖長這樣:https://i.imgur.com/ULDRVSf.png 06/16 20:26 34F
[-Fx-] Firefox 127.0 Released
MK47 不過我是沒遇到LAG就是 06/16 20:26 35F
microloft 那個包含所有本地暫存資料,cookie只是其中一小部分 06/16 20:58 36F


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