
看板 Catholic
作者 ostracize (bucolic)
時間 2024-08-10 21:05:01
留言 1 ( 0推 0噓 1→ )
【為】聖殿常是一種威脅,【為】以色列人民常是一個惡敵。 https://www.ccreadbible.org/chinesebible/sigao/1_Maccabees_bible_Ch_1_.html 1 Maccabees 1:36 CEB They ambushed the sanctuary. They were an evil opponent of Israel at all times. DRA And they placed there a sinful nation, wicked men, and they fortified themselves therein: and they stored up armour, and victuals, and gathered together the spoils of Jerusalem; GNT The fort was a threat to the Temple, a constant, evil menace for Israel. NABRE The citadel became an ambush against the sanctuary, and a wicked adversary to Israel at all times. NCB The citadel became an ambush against the sanctuary, an evil adversary for Israel at all times. NRSVA for the citadel became an ambush against the sanctuary, an evil adversary of Israel at all times. NRSVACE for the citadel became an ambush against the sanctuary, an evil adversary of Israel at all times. NRSVCE for the citadel became an ambush against the sanctuary, an evil adversary of Israel at all times. NRSVUE for the citadel became an ambush against the sanctuary, an evil adversary of Israel at all times. RSV It became an ambush against the sanctuary, an evil adversary of Israel continually. RSVCE It became an ambush against the sanctuary, an evil adversary of Israel continually. WYC And this thing was made into espyings in evil, either treasons, to (the) hallowing (or against the Temple), and into an evil devil in Israel (for)evermore. https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1%20Maccabees%201:36 【為】到底是什麼意思? 思高本的中文翻譯真是令人費解。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Catholic/M.1723295111.A.DD4.html


*[1;37m推 *[33mNewCop*[m*[33m: 這裡的“為”應該做“對”解,是個有點古老的用法 了 *[1;31m→ *[33mNewCop*[m*[33m: 有名的就是桃花源記的“不足為外人道” 非常感謝賜教。原來我都把“不足為外人道”讀錯了。這裡的【為】是第4聲,不是第2 聲? ㄨㄟˋ對、向。 晉.陶淵明〈桃花源記〉:「此中人語云,不足為外人道也。」 唐.韓愈〈答李翊書〉:「不可不為生言之,生所謂立言者是也。」 《重編國語辭典修訂本》臺灣學術網路第六版 。
※ 編輯: ostracize ( 臺灣), 08/11/2024 18:11:28
ostracize https://reurl.cc/Ork6K7 08/12 20:59 1F


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