[分享] CV 跟 resume 的分別

看板 studyabroad
作者 rhead (Tedious)
時間 2010-10-27 11:21:40
留言 4 ( 2推 0噓 2→ )
剛弄好 哥倫比亞的申請 看到他對CV和resume的說明 應該對大家有點幫助 A CV is a type of resume traditionally used to list academic accomplishments, awards and publications. The CV, usually of longer length, includes teaching and research experience, publications, presentations and other education-related activities. The resume which includes some academic information, is usually short and its focus is more business or job related. -- 你是魚啊嘴張那麼大還沒有聲音 沒有聲音 沒有聲音 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)


CCWck 大意 CV比較長 用在學術 resume比較短 用在商業或找工作 10/27 11:29 1F
windxx 但就我看了這麼多家大學網頁,我覺得美國人有時候對這兩個 10/27 11:31 2F
windxx 詞彙也還蠻混淆的。...... 10/27 11:32 3F
SanderLee 感謝分享 10/28 09:03 4F


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