[資訊] 清明節英文介紹怎麼講?附7個清明節習俗

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作者 jerchc (找回那自己的榮耀)
時間 2022-04-02 00:48:46
留言 5 ( 0推 0噓 5→ )
回文 4則
全彩圖文:https://www.yesonlineeng.com/tomb-day 清明節英文怎麼說你知道嗎?在清明節這天,我們會向祖先獻祭,好讓祖先在九泉下安樂 、進行掃墓,以懷念逝去的親人。 清明節有許多大大小小的禮俗,但要怎麼跟外國朋友說特別的清明節習俗英文解釋呢? YES編編一次整理了7個清明節習俗英文單字包含清明節英文句子範例練習,讓你能輕鬆做 清明節英文介紹,現在就來一探究竟吧! — 清明節英文介紹:由來與含義 History of Qingming Festival 你是否也跟YES編編一樣,很好奇為什麼會有清明節?心想:還要掃墓好累喔! 另外,還有一個跟清明節很相近的寒食節,到底跟清明節有什麼關聯呢? 只要知道清明節由來英文故事,就能了解其中的差異喔! 清明節由來英文故事 History of Hanshi Festival & Qingming Festival It is said that the Qingming Festival was originally held to commemorate Jie Zitui, a loyal man who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. Jie cut a piece of meat from his own leg in order to save his hungry lord who was forced to flee from his own country. Later, when the lord regained his position, he forgot about Jie Zitui’s sacrifice. However, after being reminded, he felt ashamed and decided to reward the loyal man, but Jie had hidden in a mountain with his mother. In order to find Jie, the lord ordered that the mountain be set on fire. Unfortunately, Jie was found dead with his mother. In order to commemorate the day of his death, the lord declared the date to be Hanshi (Cold Food) Festival — the day that only cold food can be eaten. A year later, when the lord went to the mountain to commemorate Jie’s death, he found the burned willows had revived, so he gave instructions that the day after Hanshi Festival was to be Qingming Festival. Eventually, the two festivals were combined into one. 相傳清明節最初是為了紀念春秋時期(西元前770-476年)的一位忠臣─介子推。 晉國公子重耳被迫逃亡齊國。因咽不下野菜,介子推就從自己的腿上切下一塊肉做成湯, 說是麻雀湯讓重耳吃下。重耳在秦國的幫助下,回到了晉國,平定了叛亂並當上國君,這 就是歷史上有名的晉文公。 跟隨他出逃的人都得到了封賞,而晉文公唯獨忘了介子推。晉文公意識到自己的錯誤時, 介子推和母親已經隱居在山上,並拒絕出山。 為了找到介子推,晉文公又中了奸臣計策下令放火燒山,想逼出孝子介子推。火滅時卻發 現介子推和母親一起被燒死。 為了紀念他,晉文公下令忌日百姓不得焚火煮飯,只吃寒食,這一天就是寒食節。 第二年忌日次日,晉文公上山祭祀介子推,發現介子推死前抱著的柳樹又復活了起來,於 是他下令寒食節的次日為清明節。 後來,這兩個節日合而為一。 – 清明節英文介紹-節日名稱用掃墓英文命名 Tomb Sweeping Day Explaination 清明節的英文是 Qingming Festival,因為這一天最重要的事情是「掃墓」,所以也可以 直接譯為 Tomb Sweeping Day。 Tomb 為名詞「墳墓」、sweep 為動詞「掃」,N+V-ing 形成複合形容詞,形容後方的 Day,表示為「掃墓日」。 — 清明節英文習俗 Qingming Festival Traditions ....繼續閱讀全文:https://www.yesonlineeng.com/tomb-day -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)


※ 編輯: jerchc ( 臺灣), 04/02/2022 00:50:41
juw 打擾,想請教一個字,festival 用在清明節恰當嗎?這是家父 04/02 23:08 1F
juw 問我的問題,因為清明節有緬懷先祖慎重追遠的意思,用帶有慶 04/02 23:08 2F
juw 祝歡樂的字眼festival,不知道合不合適(可能我也搞錯festiva 04/02 23:08 3F
juw l的意涵了) 04/02 23:08 4F
asd8812187 清明day 04/03 23:34 5F


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