Re: [問題] 匯款至eTrade的網銀設定

看板 Foreign_Inv
作者 cataphract (我發現我的時間不多了)
時間 2012-12-29 09:13:11
留言 0 ( 0推 0噓 0→ )
自己來個自問自答,看起來有兩種寫法的樣子 華南銀行的行員幫我打去Wells Fargo,Wells Fargo的人說: Beneficiary: E*TRADE Clearing LLC Account Number: 056073573 →Routing Number Reciving Bank: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 420 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 Swift Code: WFBIUS6S Others: further credit to Xiao Ming Wang →這是你在ETrade註冊的名字,如果忘的話 登入Etrade後去「我的帳戶」就可以看到 Account number 12345678→Etrade八碼帳號 Address →應該是填跟ETrade裡註冊的資料一樣的地址 另外,我也有直接打去ETrade詢問,他是這樣說的: Beneficiary: Xiao Ming Wang→ 在ETrade註冊的名字 Account Number: 12345678 → Etrade八碼帳號 Reciving Bank: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 420 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 Swift Code: WFBIUS6S Others: FBO E*TRADE Clearing LLC Routing Number 056073573 簡單來說有兩組資訊是寫相反的,我把ETrade的寫法拿去問Wells Fargo的人 他說他們處理過很多這樣子的匯出匯款,又解釋了一堆東西,我最後是照第一組的寫法 給各位參考 ※ 引述《cataphract (我發現我的時間不多了)》之銘言: : 我在eTrade有開一個證券戶(security account) : 然後我想把華南銀行的外幣帳戶裡的美金匯過去 (這應該就叫「入金」吧?) : 上網看到它的官網寫: : If your financial institution is located outside the United States: : The amount you want to wire in U.S. dollars : The receiving institution information: : Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. : 420 Montgomery Street : San Francisco, CA 94104 : Swift Code: WFBIUS6S : FBO: E*TRADE Clearing LLC : Routing Number: 056073573 : Your eight-digit E*TRADE Securities account number : Your name and address : Please note that international wires usually take 2-7 business days to process. : Please note, your wire should ONLY be routed through the Wells Fargo WFBIUS6S : swift code if your international bank does not have a correspondent US Bank. : Any attempt should be made by your bank to send directly to aba 056073573 as : sending through the additional account may lead to delays in the processing of : your wire. : 我就照這資訊去華南銀行櫃檯設了匯出匯款的約定帳戶 : 但今天華南銀行打給我說我設的這個有問題,說約定帳戶要設eTrade而不是Wells Fargo : 請問有人知道要把錢從台灣轉到eTrade Security該怎麼做嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(


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