[閒聊] 原來當記者這麼玩命的嗎

看板 NBAEasyChat
作者 EZ78 (EZ78)
時間 2024-09-19 04:10:22
留言 8 ( 4推 0噓 4→ )
https://x.com/BobbyMarks42/status/1836485951880860053 There are 2 moments that I would like to share from my time with Woj. The first is from the summer of 2019 (better known as the Kawhi offseason). We were driving from Bristol to NJ, on our way to catch a flight for summer league. He had gotten news that Tyus Jones was signing an offer sheet with Memphis and needed to break the story. He turned to me in the passenger seat and said "can you grab the wheel while I break it." The second is from the 2022 offseason. We would spend endless hours on the ESPN campus during free agency. But one day he turned to me and asked, "have you ever been to Muzzy Field in Bristol?" Muzzy Field was an historic baseball stadium that was the home of the Bristol Blues. One hour later we were sitting in this historic stadium, eating hot dogs like a pair of 10-year old boys without a care in the world. 兩個大記者要從布里斯托開到紐澤西趕飛機 然後Tyus Jones的續約傳出來 Woj就為了報這個消息 叫坐副駕的Bobby Marks在他用手機 發文時幫他抓著方向盤然後他用腳煞車停車 (下半不重要) 欸靠 原來當體育記者這麼玩命的嗎 還要搞玩命關頭 這業界也太競爭 :( 為了Tyus Jones掛掉感覺超級不值的= = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBAEasyChat/M.1726690224.A.B1F.html


ljk476820 結果發一發出車禍 真正意義上的退休 09/19 07:29 1F
Wardyal 人在囧途 之Tyus Jones 09/19 09:38 2F
c27932589 要是為了LBJ掛掉會比較好嗎 感覺也很不值 09/19 09:40 3F
WIGGINS22 c皇 安安不認同您的發言 09/19 09:59 4F
inuyaksa 安安演完艾莉差不多該回來了吧 09/19 10:39 5F
jack34031 這兩個如果一次掛掉,ESPN怎麼辦 09/19 11:28 6F
jack34031 是說他po這篇不用罰錢嗎 09/19 11:29 7F
jack34031 自承危險駕駛 09/19 11:29 8F


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