[情報] 拜登總統對於美東罷工的正式聲明稿

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作者 AnneofGreen (安的綠色小屋)
時間 2024-10-02 09:23:39
留言 10 ( 6推 0噓 4→ )
標題: Statement from President Joe Biden on the Negotiations Between USMX and the International Longshoremen’s Association 來源: www.whitehouse.gov 網址: https://reurl.cc/NlLZXk 內文: Collective bargaining is the best way for workers to get the pay and benefits they deserve. I have urged USMX, which represents a group of foreign-owned carriers, to come to the table and present a fair offer to the workers of the International Longshoremen’s Association that ensures they are paid appropriately in line with their invaluable contributions. Ocean carriers have made record profits since the pandemic and in some cases profits grew in excess of 800 percent compared to their profits prior to the pandemic. Executive compensation has grown in line with those profits and profits have been returned to shareholders at record rates. It’s only fair that workers, who put themselves at risk during the pandemic to keep ports open, see a meaningful increase in their wages as well. As our nation climbs out of the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, dockworkers will play an essential role in getting communities the resources they need. Now is not the time for ocean carriers to refuse to negotiate a fair wage for these essential workers while raking in record profits. My Administration will be monitoring for any price gouging activity that benefits foreign ocean carriers, including those on the USMX board. It is time for USMX to negotiate a fair contract with the longshoremen that reflects the substantial contribution they’ve been making to our economic comeback. <翻譯> 2024年10月1日 美國總統拜登關於USMX與國際碼頭工人協會(International Longshoremen’s Association)談判的聲明 新聞簡報室 聲明與發布 集體談判是工人獲得應得薪酬和福利的最佳方式。我已敦促代表一群外資船公司的USMX坐 上談判桌,向國際碼頭工人協會的工人提出一個公平的報價,確保他們的薪酬符合他們無 價的貢獻。自疫情以來,海運公司取得了創紀錄的利潤,有些公司的利潤與疫情前相比增 長了超過800%。高管薪酬也隨著這些利潤增長,並以創紀錄的速度回饋股東。對於在疫情 期間冒著風險維持港口開放的工人來說,看到工資的實質性增長是公平的。 隨著我們國家從颶風海倫的影響中恢復過來,碼頭工人在為社區提供所需資源的過程中將 發揮重要作用。現在絕不是海運公司拒絕為這些基本工人談判公平薪酬的時候,尤其是在 它們賺取創紀錄利潤的情況下。我們的政府將密切關注任何可能讓外資海運公司,特別是 USMX董事會上的公司,從中獲利的價格操縱行為。 是時候讓USMX與碼頭工人達成一份公平的合同,這應反映出他們為我們經濟復甦所做的巨 大貢獻。 心得: 看來總統拜登選擇了站在工人的這一方 把責任直接歸咎於 USMX 這是一場與外國公司進行的鬥爭,這些公司沒有與美國工人公平地分享利潤。 看來也不會動用法律停止罷工 如果雙方都不讓步, 或許罷工不會如現在很多人預期的一周 也許是兩周或是更久 問題是: USMX能接受工人要求的反自動化跟加薪77%嗎 ? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1727832221.A.78D.html


storyb181 沒空,大家演個戲而已顆顆顆 10/02 09:25 1F
blackbrid 反自動化真的很XX 10/02 09:27 2F
zerro7 如果給加薪但是堅持自動化 拜登還有理由站工人這邊? 10/02 09:28 3F
babosa633 拜導開演了 10/02 09:28 4F
AnneofGreen 但是下個月就大選了 老拜並不想跟工人對幹 10/02 09:29 5F
zerro7 紐約港半數碼頭工人年薪至少15萬美元=新台幣約477萬 10/02 09:29 6F
hugh509 馬頭工人罷工,結果刀子砍向航運= =? 10/02 09:31 7F
ardenlee 還好留倉的是貨櫃,可以安心放颱風假了 10/02 09:31 8F
hugh509 這不是你港口自己營運的問題嗎? 關船公司屁事 10/02 09:32 9F
hugh509 船員在海上比你待馬頭風險高多了欸 10/02 09:32 10F


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