[分享] 目的題怎麼做?完整思路流程大公開!by J

作者 robert416 (蘿蔔)
時間 2024-09-12 02:27:26
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最近上課有提到Why does the author mention xxx, 的題目,答案就在前面,J2發現很 多同學會誤解成所以就是「看上一句就好,所以用這篇文章好好解釋一下。 大家先試試以下這題: Parental care improves the chances of offspring survival in various ways. Parents may shield the eggs from predators or illnesses, or ensure that aquatic eggs receive enough oxygen. Since the land environment is not suitable for the soft, jelly-like eggs of amphibians or tadpoles, parental actions are crucial to prevent them from drying out. In some species, parents help by releasing water from their bladder onto the eggs. Parents may turn the eggs, helping to avoid developmental problems. Why does the author mention that in some frog species “Parents may turn the eggs”? A)o illustrate a behavior of parent frogs that can prevent damage to eggs from drying out B)o support the idea that terrestrial environment is not hospitable to amphibian offspring C)o give an example of parental care that can increase the survivorship of offspring D)o explain what happens when a parent releases water onto the eggs 繼續回答這個題目之前,我們可以先想想我們一般講話邏輯就好。通常在敘述事情時,是 先闡述一個概念/主題,然後為了幫助讀者更容易理解,而舉例子/故事等等來佐證,我們 來看一個簡單的例子: 成功往往來自於良好的規劃和持續的努力。就像種樹一樣,當我們種下一棵樹苗時,並不 是立刻就能看到它茁壯成長,而是需要日復一日地澆水、施肥、修剪,才能讓它逐漸長成 參天大樹。 如果題目問:為什麼這裏作者要提到「澆水、施肥、修剪?」 這個時候,你不會覺得因為「這是種樹要做的事吧?」 而是作者最想要表達的重點是「成功往往來自於良好的規劃和持續的努力」,舉了種樹來 解釋要持續的努力,小樹苗才會長成一棵大樹。 就是一個這麼簡單的概念而已。 同理,回到上面這題, Parental care improves the chances of offspring survival in various ways. Parents may shield the eggs from predators or illnesses, or ensure that aquatic eggs receive enough oxygen. Since the land environment is not suitable for the soft, jelly-like eggs of amphibians or tadpoles, parental actions are crucial to prevent them from drying out. In some species, parents help by releasing water from their bladder onto the eggs. Parents may turn the eggs, helping to avoid developmental problems. 有同學認為Parents may turn the eggs, 是因為前面的In some species, parents help by releasing water from their bladder onto the eggs. 但整體看下來,應該會 發現,其實作者是舉了很多例子來佐證、支持第一句話Parental care improves the chances of offspring survival “in various ways.” 我們可以稍微把這段文章加一點同學們最愛的transition words, 就可以更理解了。 [ ]內的字表額外加上去的transition word: Parental care improves the chances of offspring survival in various ways.[First,] parents may shield the eggs from predators or illnesses, or ensure that aquatic eggs receive enough oxygen. [Second,] since the land environment is not suitable for the soft, jelly-like eggs of amphibians or tadpoles, parental actions are crucial to prevent them from drying out. [Plus,] in some species, parents help by releasing water from their bladder onto the eggs. [Additionally,] parents may turn the eggs, helping to avoid developmental problems. 也就是說,作者為了要闡述 “Parental care improves the chances of offspring survival in various ways.” 這個主題/概念,用了四個例子佐證,分別是: 1) parents may shield the eggs from predators or illnesses, or ensure that aquatic eggs receive enough oxygen; 2) Since the land environment is not suitable for the soft, jelly-like eggs of amphibians or tadpoles, parental actions are crucial to prevent them from drying out; 3) In some species, parents help by releasing water from their bladder onto the eggs; 4) Parents may turn the eggs, helping to avoid developmental problems. 藏的很隱密,對吧?托福的文章,或是一般報章雜誌文章像是我最常舉的國家地理的文章 ,大部分都長得像這樣,就是把transition words去掉的感覺。所以同學在讀的時候,如 果有這樣的概念,其實就只是再把這些transition words加上去看,或是像上面直接變成 bull-point的方式看,就會變得很簡單了! 那我們再回到原本題目,Why does the author mention that in some frog species “ Parents may turn the eggs”? A)o illustrate a behavior of parent frogs that can prevent damage to eggs from drying out B)o support the idea that terrestrial environment is not hospitable to amphibian offspring C)o give an example of parental care that can increase the survivorship of offspring D)o explain what happens when a parent releases water onto the eggs 這樣同學們應該就不會傻傻的選到A)o illustrate a behavior of parent frogs that can prevent damage to eggs from drying out 這個選項了吧?因為我們很 清楚作者的目的是要舉例補充說明 “Parental care improves the chances of offspring survival in various ways.” 而不是要針對前句作解釋。 所以答案是:C)o give an example of parental care that can increase the survivorship of offspring 這樣目的題,你會做了嗎? 總結: 其實只要文章有看懂,絕對會知道作者的目的的,根本不需要任何什麼「答案就在前面一 句的」技巧。只是一般來說,會是前面的重點,很多情況下是前一句,但不會剛好每次都 是前一句,用這樣的方式做題,是本末倒置的,並不明白文章的意思,或是段落目的,違 背原本托福閱讀的意義了。 目的題做錯,千萬千萬不要看詳解,請再重新看過一次文章,相信自己,只要文章懂了, 你一定可以知道作者目的是什麼。 *** 最近J2開始在使用機經題目設計新的考前衝刺抱佛腳題庫班,除了每天有題目練習,也會 有像上面這樣的超完整詳解,敬請期待! Till next time, J2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1726079248.A.436.html


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