[法語] 改過遷善最吉祥

看板 Buddhism
作者 kissung (天堂鴉)
時間 2024-08-29 07:42:19
留言 3 ( 2推 0噓 1→ )
回文 2則
80. 改過遷善最吉祥 Changing for the Better is Most Auspicious 宣公上人1994年1月2日開示於國際譯經院 Dharma Talk Given by the Venerable Master on January 2, 1994 at The Internatio nal Translation Institute VBSKaiShi-#80-1994-0102-No.284 人的脾氣集在一起,就變成原子彈、就變成氫氣彈、就變成死光了。 When people’s tempers gathered together, they become atomic bombs, hydrogen b ombs, and death rays. 脾氣聚集成炸彈 Bad tempers gathered together become bombs 各位啊!我祝你們新年快樂!不要新年憂愁、不要新年哭,這就是一年吉祥的象徵,一年 如意吉祥、隨心所欲、心想事成。可是你若一發脾氣、一生瞋恨心、一有妒忌障礙,一切 吉祥都變成不吉祥了。所以今年大家要把脾氣改了。 Everyone, I wish you a happy new year! Do not be sad or cry in the new year. T hen this is a sign of an auspicious year. The whole year will be favorable and auspicious, all things will occur as you please, and all your wishes will com e true. However, if you lose your temper, become hateful, jealous, or obstruct ive, all auspicious things will become inauspicious. Therefore, in this year, everyone should get rid of your temper. 我們人人把脾氣改了,世界上就沒有戾氣了,原子彈的威力也減低、氫氣彈的威力也減低 ,甚至於死光也都沒有功效了。若人人能不發脾氣,原子彈、氫氣彈、死光都會失去它的 功效。就因為我們的脾氣大,一有什麼事就爆發了;人這脾氣集在一起,就變成原子彈、 就變成氫氣彈、就變成死光了。因為你脾氣大嘛,就有東西比你脾氣更大,所以這就害了 整個世界。 If everyone of us can get rid of our bad temper, there will be no violent ener gy in the world, and the detrimental power of atomic bombs will be lessened, s o will the power of hydrogen bombs, even death ray will lose its effect. If ev eryone refrains from losing their temper, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and de ath rays will all lose their powers. Because we have a hot temper, it explodes whenever certain circumstances occur. When people’s tempers gathered togethe r, they become atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and death rays. Since you have a big temper, there will be things with bigger tempers than yours; as a result, the world suffers. 你若不發脾氣,總是歡歡喜喜的;若黑口黑臉的,用勢力壓迫人,或者用一些手段來打擊 人,這樣子就是爆發原子彈、氫氣彈和死光的一個導火線。你們若想要沒有原子彈的劫、 沒有氫氣彈的劫、沒有死光的劫,就要不發脾氣。 If you do not lose your temper, you will be full of joy all the time. However, if you are gloomy and angry, oppress others with your power, or harm others i n some ways, this will trigger the explosion of atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs o r death rays. If you want to avoid the calamity of atomic bombs, hydrogen bomb s or death rays, then you must refrain from losing your temper. (translated by Qin Rui Yu) https://i.imgur.com/K6owl6k.jpeg
[法語] 改過遷善最吉祥
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[法語] 改過遷善最吉祥
2 3 buddhism kissung
2024-08-29 07:42:19
Re: [法語] 改過遷善最吉祥
4 8 buddhism devil157
2024-08-31 09:36:15


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