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作者 whatsurname (等呀等~)
時間 2011-07-16 03:33:19
留言 0 ( 0推 0噓 0→ )
大家好: 我受友人之托幫忙翻譯英文摘要,但個人英文程度也滿搬不上檯面的…(掩面) 以下是我今晚試翻出來的結果,請大家幫忙看看哪裡需要更改或可以翻得更好。 血壓(Blood Pressure, BP)、心率變異性(Heart Rate Variability, HRV)與動脈硬 化參數RPI(R-P Interval)為心血管疾病的三項重要指標,且都具有臨床上的指標性意 義。若能觀察各項指標中所蘊含的生理意義,便能夠及早預防,大幅降低心血管疾病的發 生率。電子式血壓量測方式一般採用非侵入式的共振法量測。 BP, HRV, and RPI are three significant indexes with clinical meaning. We can take the precaution to decrease the incidence of the cardiovascular diseases through realizing the physiology meaning of these indexes. Electronic blood pressure gauges commonly use the resonance method, non-invasive measurement. 而心率變異性測量參數又分為時域及頻域分析兩大部分,本研究針對時域分析法做實作, 可藉由心跳間距(R-R Interval, RRI)求出:平均心跳數(Heart Rate, HR)、正常竇 性心搏間期之標準差(Standard Deviation of all Normal to Normal intervals, SDNN )、相鄰R-R間距之間差異值平方和的平均值之平方根(Root-Mean-Square of Successive normal to normal interval Differences, RMSSD),作為評估自主神經系 統功能的量化指標。最後,能夠在利用共振法量測血壓與利用電極片量測心率變異性的同 時,計算其R波與P波之時間差異,即RPI動脈硬化指標。 The index of HRV contains two parts: time and analysis of domain. This research applies by time-domain analysis through the RRI working out these indexes: HR, SDNN, RMSSD, as the quantitative indicators of assessing the function of autonomic nervous system. When measuring the blood pressure and HRV with electrodes, at the same time we can calculate the difference of timing between Wave R and Wave P, which is RPI. 本研究發展出一套結合簡訊功能的非侵入式心血管檢測系統,硬體架構於德州儀器(TI )之MSP430F449微控制器上,配合擷取生理訊號電路、訊號處理電路及GSM通訊模組建構 而成;韌體則負責血壓、心率、心跳變異性與RPI等數值的計算和儲存,顯示於LCM上,並 控制GSM模組將量測到的生理參數指標發送給使用者所設定的所有聯絡人。 This research develops one kind of detection system of the cardiovascular diseases by non-invasive measurement, combining SMS function. The hardware is based on the controller MSP430F449 , supporting by the Physiological signal acquiring circuit, the signal processing circuit and the GSM communication module, with the firmware calculating and saving the indexes like blood pressure, heart rate, HRV, RPI, and so on, which can show these indexes on the LCM and control the GSM communication module to send these physiology indexes to all the receivers which is set by the operator. 因為不想害友人口試時被釘很慘, 請大家幫幫忙了QQ 謝謝大家 (跪) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)


※ 編輯: whatsurname 來自: (07/16 03:33)


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